Unless you keep it for the last wave of course. Using it on the Boss Rush is a nonsense indeed, you'll only kill one wave with that item (then die). Mega Satan's skull should be quicker, so it should work (as well as Hush second form and Ultra Greed, Greedier works too if you use it on its last phase). That's why using it on Delirium isn't advised: because of the time it takes for it to die, you'll actually die before the boss. Of course, one major reason for this is the fact that the raising of Lazarus was widely seen as pointing foreward to the resurrection of Jesus and man in general (Barkhuizen 1994:note 8). Far from it It will end in resurrection from the dead so that Gods glory can be seen in his Son. an extent as the raising of Lazarus, resulting inter alia in the composition of a vast number of homilies on this subject (Puchner 1991:20). If you need a reminder on the downside of Plan C, its first effect is to insta-kill everything in the room except the player. Lazarus sickness will not ultimately end in death. About a month before His own death and resurrection, Jesus visited Bethany and performed His third miracle of resurrection, raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-46). We Christians tend to linger on this imagery year after year. Collins Forerunner, 'Bible Study,' Septem. In the raising of Lazarus, we hear Christ’s famous imperative, Take away the stone followed by, Lazarus, come out. He is a) the Principle of resurrection together with the Father as the Fathers co-unbegan eternal Logos, without whom Father can neither create the world nor resurrect anybody from the dead, which actions are, as a matter of fact, the same divine actions and He is b) the object of resurrection, for His human body was indeed dead, for He suffer. It technically works on Delirium too, but its death animation is too slow (and it's the only boss like this). The lectionary approaches Easter by way of another encounter with death. Plan C should work well on Mega Satan, as long as you use it on its last phase (skull).

It doesn't work on Delirium or Mega Satan? So it's a very pointless item then right? I was like imagining using it on Boss Rush, but I guess that wouldn't work very well. Publicado originalmente por BlazeInferno360:I unlocked Plan C a couple of days ago. The animation properties are AnimInvert, AnimPosition, AnimRepeat, AnimRepeatLap, AnimSpeed & AnimStatic.